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Category: Fishing Tips
Fish tips and fun facts
Getting Started on Steelhead Fishing
Are you thinking about getting into Steelhead fishing and you don’t know where to start?
We can help get you started on steelhead fishing from the basics to extra tips.
Check out our new Steelhead page to help you get started!
DIY – Perception Pescador 12 pilot Transducer Mount

Today I am going to provide options for mounting your transducer on perception pescador 12 pilot fishing kayak. The perception pescador 12 pilot is an outstanding fishing kayak for the price point. The company did a great job with the pedal drive system giving the angler the ultimate freehand PDL…. Continue reading
Dad’s Orvis Fly Fishing School 101

2 hours and you have the basic knowledge to get you on the stream, that was the goal of the day. Meet at the Orvis Pittsburgh was the destination for my Dad and I. We planned to meet at 8am I told him and swing by Starbucks in the mall before we… Continue reading