DIY – Perception Pescador 12 pilot Transducer Mount

Today I am going to provide options for mounting your transducer on perception pescador 12 pilot fishing kayak.


The perception pescador 12 pilot is an outstanding fishing kayak for the price point. The company did a great job with the pedal drive system giving the angler the ultimate freehand PDL.

Since owning the kayak I have tinkered with different setups for my transducer mount before I settled on the one I have been using the past 2 years.  The BroCraft Transducer Mounting Arm With Track Adapter worked great for my Lowrance Hook2 5x and now my current Humminbird Helix 7.

I attached the BroCraft to one of the yellow railing sliders on my kayak. It never sat flush with the water and sat below the kayak about 6 inches on a slant. I don’t know if I was ever getting the optimal reading from the depth finders. The setup worked flawlessly and I may need to go back to it if this new rigging system does not work.

Pros: Dependable configuration, easy take on and off  Cons: Water drag, It would sometimes get caught on the structure in the water if I was shallow or on top of a log.

I discovered on the Preception Pescador 12 Pilot that there are pre-drilled holes on the bottom front scupper hole that appears for a transducer. I was unable to find any information on this on the internet and on the manufactures website. I was hoping to find someone that figured this out already but it doesn’t appear so. I did see someone on youtube that designed a custom transducer mount for the Pescador pilot but without using the pre-drilled holes. He used an old hose tube with two pieces of wood. It looked like a great design but felt there was a better way to do it.

I am using the pre-drilled holes with a piece of scrap wood. I cut the wood with my hand jigsaw to fit in the small scupper area as seen in this picture below:

Once I had the wood fitting nicely in that pocket I left the screws in on the kayak. I laid the wood over top and hit it a couple of times with a hammer so indents of the screws were on the wood. I was able to find the measurement to pilot the holes for the screws. Also to note I had to find long enough screws at the hardware store to fit the wood.  

I verified the depth of the wood with the transducer fully mounted would put it about flush with the Kayak bottom.  In the manual, the manufacture states the transducer should be just below the bottom of the stern of the boat. I wanted to make sure my transducer was sitting flush with the bottom of the Kayak regardless.

Pilot holes Drilled √,  Wood attached √ – I can now attach the transducer to the piece of wood.

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You are now all set to run your cable up and put it in one of the gloves boxes on top.  I will add more info to this post once I can get pictures of the top and provide feedback on how the testing went.


About ryereelfishn

Owner / Webmaster here at Reel Fish'n
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