Driving home today I was thinking about my fishing trips last year to Erie and when I started. Luckily I have this website I can refer back to my past trips but talking to a few anglers some keep data on where they fish in different form factors.
You can keep a log of your fishing trip on paper, notebook or electronically. I googled fishing journals and I found alot of paper forms on the web and also printable templates which are provided below.
Mark general information at the top of a new page before you start fishing that includes: Date, Water Name, Specific Location (“below dam”, “7.3 miles after turnoff”, etc), Start Time, and Fishing Partners.
Make mental notes of each fish caught and how you caught it. This includes: lure or fly used, type of water, water depth, lure depth, retrieval type and retrieve speed, and time caught. Alternatively, you can keep a small notepad in your tackle box or fishing vest and quickly jot down this information after catching each fish.
Below is a list of categories you should target when putting information into your journal:
- Observe weather conditions while you fish, including air temperature, cloud cover, wind speed, and precipitation.
- Note the moon phase of full moon, last quarter, new moon and first quarter. Find productive patterns based on the moon phase.
- Observe water conditions while you fish, including water temperature, water level, and water clarity.
- Observe insect hatches while you fish.
- Use a fine mesh net to seine the water for insects or small fish which may be an important food item to imitate.
- Write down the aforementioned information in your fishing log when you change fishing locations or at the end of the day.
- Complete the fishing log entry at the end of the fishing day by writing down information such as: End Time, Best Hours Fished, and General Notes from the day. It may also be useful to sketch a map of the area fished and indicate good fishing locations and poor fishing locations.
Here is some links for printable logs:
Smartphone Fishing Logs
Anglr – https://anglr.com
- is a great option for tech-savvy fishermen. Check out how it work: https://anglr.com/fishing-app/how-it-works/
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